Winter Socials
Just a reminder about all the events we have coming up at Nomads! After the success of our fireworks we have lots more socials lined up for you.

BoxPark Croydon - 25th November
Nomads is testing the water at newly opened BoxPark in Croydon. For all the info and to express your interest contact Tamika or get attending on the Facebook event:

Nomads Christmas - 9th December
We’ve booked in and are ready to go with the Nomads Christmas event. We’ve already had 20 sign up but it will be good to see all your lovely faces there! With party games, food and drink in a private function area its not to be missed! Again contact Tamika or get on Facebook to show your interest!
We’ve got plenty more coming up next year with
The Annual Quiz Fundraiser,
Fun and Games at the Four Thieves
and plenty more to be confirmed!
See you all at BoxPark!